First Nations Peoples

Compass Group recognises the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the traditional owners of the land where we live and work.

As leaders, with operations in every state and territory, Compass Group has a responsibility and an important role to play in reconciliation and closing the considerable gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. Through strengthening our relationships with communities and a deepening respect for our First Nations Peoples’ rich history, cultures and achievements we are able to promote sustainable opportunities within our sphere of influence and to be a positive driver for long term social change.

In 2016, Reconciliation Australia commended and recognised Compass Group Australia on our demonstrated track record and commitment to leadership in driving economic and social participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through upskilling, employment, business incubation and procurement. Consequently, we were granted Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan status, recognising that our Elevate RAP raises the bar of its reconciliation ambitions and sets a fine example to others.

We are proud to be one of Australia’s largest employers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and we provide sustained career development through our upskilling, accredited training and cultural awareness programs.

Over last 20+ years we have established 11 Joint Venture Companies with our First Nations partners. We currently engage over 47 Indigenous business suppliers within our Supply Chain operations. And notably, our spend with Supply Nation Indigenous-owned businesses has grown on average 180% per year since Supply Nation membership inception in 2009.

Compass Group Australia is also a proud partner of the Clontarf Foundation, which provides support, life-skills and employment prospects to young Aboriginal men, Compass Group provides graduates with opportunities to receive work experience, training and employment.

Read our Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan Report here