“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a transformation in our food and food systems. The closing of borders and restrictions in out-of-home channels have posed serious challenges to the food sector, both in terms of accessing consumer markets and supply. But this crisis also provided opportunities. New partnerships emerged and the value of digital and data has never been more evident. We surprised ourselves by how innovative, agile and fast paced we could be in times of need. It created momentum and gave us the confidence that change is possible.” (Deloitte)
As part of the Deloitte webinar series ‘Reimagining our Food and Food Systems’, Shelley Roberts, Managing Director of Compass Groups joins the panel to share our global industry insights on food service and how this aligns to health, wellness and sustainability.
Also on the panel are industry leaders:
- Kathy Karabatsas, Managing Director of Lion Dairy & Drinks
- Nathan O’Callaghan, Precision Health Future Science Platform Lead at CSIRO
- Stephanie Allen GAICD, Global Health Leader at Deloitte
- Vanessa Matthijssen, Consumer Products Lead at Deloitte