Compass responds to COVID-19

We’re proud of the thousands of dedicated Compass Group team members on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. Some are feeding patients, healthcare professionals, first responders, and schoolchildren, while others are cleaning and sanitising facilities and helping businesses safely reopen. Read on to learn how Compass is making a difference across the country.

Hotel Quarantine Project

Since COVID began, Compass Group has been partnering with hotels and cruise ships to support those returning from overseas who are in isolation.  

We’ve created delicious menus and we have picked and packed breakfast, lunch and dinners for staff and residents. As of August, we have served over half a million meals and we’re not stopping yet.

Hotel quarantine team producing meals for guests
OzHarvest partnership

Supporting OzHarvest

During COVID-19 Compass Group Australia has donated 1,500 Essentials Boxes to OzHarvest and these boxes went straight to those most in need across Australia. The two batches were packed at our La Trobe and Melbourne Business School and King’s School sites.

Creating Innovative Solutions

As the biggest barrier to employees returning to work is their anxiety about COVID-19 health risks, Compass Group Asia Pacific has developed a new framework SafeSphereTM which supports organisations in getting employees, guests and clients back to enjoying food in the workplace safely and with minimal anxiety.

COVID safe cafe signage - Safesphere program
Indigenous engagement, community support, essentials box delivered

Supporting Indigenous Communities

During these more challenging times of COVID-19, Compass Group has designed the essentials boxes, a range of food, retail and personal care boxes for essential workers, their families, friends, vulnerable Australians and our own Compass colleagues.

A focus on mental health

Paying attention to our mental health and wellness is vital and we’re encouraging our team members to check-in with themselves and others now more than ever. 

Our Health and Wellbeing program, Tastelife, has just released the new #gotyourback 2020 video.

GotYourBack Campaign for Mental Health

The COVID-19 bounce-back

When a global pandemic focuses attention on protecting business, it’s hard to think about growth and Australian food and beverage businesses risk missing critical Asian opportunities in the post-COVID-19 bounce-back.

Click below to read more from Mark van Dyck, Managing Director of Compass Group Asia Pacific, in his op-ed article in Food & Drink Business magazine.


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